Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Thursday, 12 September, 2002

From Between Cross & Resurrection by Alan E. Lewis

What faith hears in the Easter narrative, and passes on to a skeptical and mocking world, is that justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation are not ideals or dreams but realities, facts embodied in a person who lives now, who with his words has already been restored to life and reigns in victory. The Risen Christ is what he promises and offers; he is our peace (Eph 2:14), our justification (1 Cor. 1:30), and our hope (1 Tim. 1:1). For itself and for the world, the Easter community which lives with and in him asks for a renewal already given, prays for a peace already accomplished, struggles for freedom already guaranteed.

In preparation for our liturgy in remembrance of the events of 9/11/01 I turned to the Psalms and Isaiah. There in those texts is the image of our God who is available and present in each of our days so that we may be available to others in just such a way. The Easter community, as Lewis calls us, sets its mind on what is already and begin our sojourn within the promised land. Therefore, we are a people who face tragedy and evil and fear and anxiety with the blessed assurance that the Lord who would embraces us and gives us a secure place is the Victorious Lord of All. We live as though it is the "gospel truth."

Connection: The Good News is always taking us out of ourselves and presenting us to the world as a gift. Be that gift of new life and victory and love and compassion today even if you previously have never dared to be there.

Victorious Lord of All, grant us courage, grant us wisdom, grant us the vision to trust in you alone, that we may flourish within the life of your Reign. Amen.

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