Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Thursday, 10 October, 2002

From "The Hauerwas Reader"

I found this quote to be quite alarming. Especially as we are so inclined to run the church by vote and simple majority and expect that the majority knows what is the best for all.

The church believes that it is always under the judgment of truth. The ideology of democracy believes that somehow truth is discerned and carried out by the majority. But we must never forget that the most democratically elected leader of modern times was Adolf Hitler.

We often go along with what we are convinced will do the best for us...and keep us safe. Hitler made many promises and he had a way of delivering a message that sounded like a sure thing. And yet, the majority did not carry the truth. In fact, it carried a lie and in that lie it perpetrated the most brutal of atrocities. We are called to draw all things into the shape of the cross. That is, into the way of Jesus. That "way" does not hold one people above others nor does it carry a sword in order to destroy others for the advantage of one side over another. In the face of the majority, even when it claims to be a "moral" majority, there is a truth for life that is molded by acts of forgiveness and reconciliation and the grace of God. The church becomes the agent of such truth through dialogue and mutual conversation in which there is a creative respect for the welfare of all. Democracy is a wonderful way to run a country...but as resident aliens who are citizens within the reign of God, there are times when we cannot abide by the rules and notions of the majority...even when it considers itself moral by its own standards.

Connection: If the majority of of people are allowed to rule, what happens to those who are not a part of that majority. Are they discounted? We have a history within the followers if Jesus that looks after and sides with the minority view so that no people are considered dispensable. How does that have an impact on what will take place within this day.

Lord of all Life, be for us the truth that sets us free to live with the many people you have called your beloved. Mark us with the sign of the cross and let your Holy Spirit inspire our living that all may have life abundant even as it mean we must face the cross. Amen.

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