Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Tuesday, 8 October, 2002

To be followers of Jesus implies that there is a character to our lives. There is an authority that serves to "lead us, guide us" as the gospel hymn notes. We are called to be faithful to the God who raised Jesus from the dead...no other allegiance is to be our guiding light. Stanley Hauerwas makes a striking comment about our society and the way we are so willing to give up our character in order to fit into the notion of being successful as it is defined in the American culture. He writes: The United States is a social order built upon the presumption that each person gets to be his or her own tyrant - that's called the pursuit of happiness. Each person gets to make up his or her own mind based on the presumption that choices are made free from an overarching influence.

We are a people called to be a community. That involves taking care of others and being in dialogue with others...so that we may be well. The prophets of old brought a word of judgment against Israel because they let their character be shaped by the prevailing winds and powers of the day...that promise much happiness and success. The people - who were to be a people...a community - became deaf to the call of justice and were willing to let the poor and widows go without help even as there was enough for all to be fed and nurtured. God's people - we - are gifted with a character for life that is not to be disregarded for something as individualistic as the mere "pursuit of happiness." For what happens if my idea of happiness means I can get rid of you...because I see you as a threat...or bad...or evil...or getting in the way of the life I want to have?

Connection: We may be going to war soon. What is it all about? Idols, false gods, have been defined as things within our lives that we have to fight to protect and preserve...for they are unable to sustain themselves and they demand our life blood. It takes daily prayerful attention to spot what demands our life from us and takes us away from the character of God's reign. What can you see within the mundane parts of your day...that pulls you from the character of the followers of Jesus?

Lord, be a lamp for us that brings light to the dark corners of our lives that attempt to pull us away from you. To trust in you alone is a power gift that your Holy Spirit brings to us...grant us a special measure of the power of your Spirit. Amen.

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