Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Thursday, 3 July, 2003

The opening text will come from a book by Abraham Joshua Heschel (God in Search of Man - A Philosophy of Judaism). As you are able to see by the title, the language may be a bit dated and therefore, I will, when able, make the language inclusive.

Beyond all mystery is the mercy of God. It is a love, a mercy that transcends the world, its value and merit. To live by such a love, to reflect it, however numbly, is the test of religious existence.

To summarize: the power of religious truth is a moment of insight, and its content is oneness or love. Source and content may be conveyed in one word: transcendence.

Transcendence is the test of religious truth. A genuine insight rends the enclosure of the heart and bestows on (humanity) the power to rise above (ourselves).

“Beyond all mystery is the mercy of God.” What an important word for us to remember the next time we find ourselves in a position in which we want to act as judge of others…or when we are enticed into speaking poorly of others. We are a people who are brought into God’s Reign because of God’s mercy…something we cannot comprehend…we can only imagine. And yet within the imagination of our hearts, there is a something beyond how things seem to be. It is glorious. It is truthfulness at it utmost. It is love that reunites all things without any doubt. Too often, we are terribly afraid of that God and the life that is bidding us to come and dance in a new way that the world does not know and cannot comprehend. Such a merciful God does not fit with our unmerciful ways of living together. That is why our God continues to send the Spirit to pull at us and move us beyond what we want and lift us up to what is not seen completely: God’s gracious Reign.

Connection: Okay, there is this mercy of God. So now what!?! What difference does it make in our lives…what difference can it make? O my, just imagine.

Merciful God it is by your power to love that you bring new life to all of your people. Fill this day with reminders of your merciful love so that we may begin to act within your realm of hopefulness where all your people are one. Amen.

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