Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Thursday, 31 July, 2003

We continue a brief walk with some material on reconciliation by Walter Wink.

When thinking about some of the most heinous crimes in our history it is difficult to speak of forgiveness. Wink writes:

Christians, however, are confronted in such cases not with the limits of our feelings (Is it possible for us to forgive?), but with the nature of the God revealed by Jesus. “For God makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends the rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous…Be all inclusive in your love, as you heavenly Father is all-inclusive” (Matthew 5:45,48, author’s translation). In short, God is incapable of not forgiving, because it is God’s very nature to forgive.

There are so many places we will not let ourselves go because an act has causes such pain that it seems as though forgiveness would be beyond what we are able to imagine. But as Wink notes, we are not confronted “with the limits of our feelings, but with the nature of God revealed by Jesus.” That is our saving grace. This is very important for us to remember even as we approach what we are calling the tough issues of our day. Our own feelings are not what lead us. The Christ of God leads us and that leading takes on the shape of abundant forgiveness and renewal of life and transformation that cannot be predicted nor directed. We pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit, our living will reflect the gracious otherness of God so that such grace will manifest itself right here just as it did with Jesus.

Connection: We do not run our lives within the Reign of God by our feelings. Otherwise, we would be killing one another and that kind of living would be okay. Today is an opportunity to walk according to the light of the graciousness of our God who brings life to a new and everlasting beauty.

Lord, we may looking for ways for the world to go as we would like it to go but you continue to call us to look up and see the grand view of your Reign and the life that begins to blossom as we walk in the land of forgiveness and hopefulness. Walk with us this day, O Lord. Amen.

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