Friday, September 19, 2003

Friday, 19 September, 2003

From “The Cross in our Context” by Douglas John Hall

“My power is made perfect in weakness”- a statement that Paul puts into the mouth of God because he meant it not only as comfort in the face of his personal struggle but as a description of the God he served. Paul’s God does not lack power. As Jesus is reported to have said to those who came to the Mount of Olives to arrest him, God could, if God would, send a whole legion of angels to defend God’s anointed one (Matt.26:53). But then the very object of God’s power, namely, to reach down into the soul of the creature and judge it, cleanse it, befriend it, would have been forfeited in an instant.

So, as children of God, our power is made manifest in our serving – our loving that is not limited. To have our character shaped like this will always bring us into deeper contact with those around us – even our enemies. Therefore, just as our God’s beloved Son come for the welfare of all, without exception, so to do we risk all for all – without conditions. That is always a stumbling block for as we see everyday, we long for conditions to be in place so as to distinguish us from them. And yet, Jesus is hung out on the cross to die when he could have been rescued for his own good…but he was not…and that is the point for our living in his name today.

Connection: Will we ever let this day see the brilliance of a vulnerable love that serves not me…but serves others without qualification? Today is always a good day to try it out.

By your love, O God, you send us into this day as your children and you promise to hold us no matter what may take place. We need to feel the touch of your hand to assure us of your presence for at times we are overwhelmed by the winds of this day that have a way of beating at us. Grant us the peace that comes with your abiding presence. Amen.

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