Monday, September 15, 2003

Monday, 15 September, 2003

From “The Cross in our Context” by Douglas John Hall

It is easy enough to claim belief in God. But the question that must always to be put to all such claim is, simply, Which God? What is your image of this God in whom you claim belief? What kind of company does your God keep? What does your God ask of you – if anything? And the real challenge, where belief in God is concerned, surely, is whether such belief can be held without presupposing or leading to a subtle yet entirely effective disbelief in the ultimate worth and meaning of life, creaturely life. So much religion is rooted in an implicit despair of creaturehood.

Most folks say they believe in God. It’s almost as though that puts us all on the same page…as long as you believe in God… But Hall makes a point we must take very seriously – Which God!?! It’s the same way he deals with a question by a student in one of his books. The student says he doesn’t believe in God. Hall doesn’t try to argue with him or persuade him to believe in God. Rather, he asks the student to tell him about the God he doesn’t believe in. When the student is done, Hall agrees and says “I don’t believe in that God either.” So often our references to God are like references to pain medication in a drug store. There are all kinds and then there are knock offs of every kind. And yet, we tend to refer to them as though they are the same. But they are not! Our God is not a generic God. Our God commits to our humanity and life in this world. Our God is one who pulls our attention down to earth so that we may see what God has in store for us here and now and forever more.

Connection: What does your God ask of you…anything? I think this is a good way to enter into this day. The questions demand a living answer but it also demand that we know a bit about the God who is asking…what kind of life does God call forth from us?

Lord, lead us into the many mundane tasks of this day as though each one is an opportunity to share in the abundant life you bring to all your children. When we want to flee from the life around us, remind us of your presence within this day and within the activities of our lives. Amen.

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