Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Wednesday, 14 April, 2004

We continue with pieces from “Holy People” by Gordon Lathrop.

…in an older Christian use, the term “holy” is applied to the church itself, to the assembly. The vocation to propose an alternate way of understanding the world comes profoundly, basically, not just to certain “athletes for God,” but to the liturgical assembly.

When we say the assembly, we mean the whole bunch of us…holy! Not merely the priest, minister, pastor…not the nun, monk, bishop…but all of us. The image of those “athletes of God” is unfortunate. Yes, there are people in every generation to whom our eyes are drawn because we see courage and character and sacrificial love that is utterly remarkable. But then again, they are holy as are the rest of us in the assembly. This kind of talk always gets my goat because it is the similar way we talk of saints. The ancient custom and long process of people being designated saints because of what they have done...the witnesses that saw them…the miracles they performed…makes the term saint and holy into something perverse. I would also say it is an inappropriate use of the word holy. Holy are we…as God’s beloved who gather together in the name of our Lord. Saints are we by grace alone. The need to build a system of holiness on the fabrication of goodness and the tales that make that goodness seem to glow a bit more must be ignored. Instead, let us look around the room at worship this Sunday and thank our God for the presence of God’s holy saints who praise and live and love as we are able – maybe not as we should but as we are able.

Connection: Remember, every child on that first soccer field or baseball diamond or dance floor is already in the game or in the dance. They are not less than an athlete or dancer…they are there – participation is a powerful beginning.

Lord of the Dance, we give you thanks for inviting us to play within your blessed Reign where you nurture us by your love and shape us into the loving people you already see within us. Encourage us to gather and share in the wealth of your community of saints. Amen.

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