Monday, May 10, 2004

Monday, 10 May, 2004

Sermons and Prayers of Walter Brueggemann in “Inscribing the Text” will be the focus of this series of devotions.

Perhaps only the tenured, the independently wealthy, or those at the end of a career can afford to speak-truth-to-power. Perhaps only the fugitive, the raven-fed, the royally paid, or the clairvoyant among us will be brave enough and detached enough to speak at all. Perhaps we are too well-kept; perhaps security drains us of courage.

It is so easy to be drained of courage and get by on just how things are going along today. If I’m secure, why bother with speaking the truth…is the truth may change the ways things are. And yet, our lives are not fed by nor do they blossom from the secure walls of what is. I find that ordinary people who have much to lose are given the power to step forward and speak the truth when other words are being spoken around us – words with little truth to them at all. Truth-speaking-to-power is a non-violent way to unmask the day and bring some light within an often dark and cluttered life.

Connection: It may take more than one of us to speak the truth to power. It may take a team…a team of encouragement…a spirit led team.

Lord, lead us as we move within this day to witness to the truth. But also empower us to be open to hear the truth about ourselves and not insist on our way as the only truth possible within this time. Amen.

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