Monday, May 3, 2004

Monday, 3 May, 2004

Sermons and Prayers of Walter Brueggemann in “Inscribing the Text” will be the focus of this series of devotions.

Brueggemann begins one section of this book by noting stories in scripture…

that might construe preaching as “truth speaking to power.” In these classic texts, the “hero,” the one with whom we side in the narrative, is the preacher, the one who has been authorized by call to utter truth that lies outside the horizon of those addressed. His preaching aims to assure by an alternative and to jar by expose. It compels and impels action in a new direction. It is hard work – and no wonder.

“Power” does not need to hear truth speaking. Too often, power makes up the truth it wants to hear and then makes sure that this self-manufactured truth is taken on as the truth within a whole community. Unfortunately, this kind of truth is not truth at all. It may be based on some “half” truths…but that too is not truth. To be set within the life of a community as one who is called to “truth-speak to power” is never a comfortable place to be. But right away we must note that the preacher here need not be the “pastor” or “official spokesperson.” Rather, truth speaking to power is preaching and anyone from the least to the greatest among us may be called to fill that task…and speak up. We can expect to be called to speak the truth within our world that plays with power…or…we may be in the place where that word of truth is being spoken for us to hear. One thing is sure; the truth is often an alternative voice to the one by which we would choose to run our lives.

Connection: Who in your life is someone who speaks the truth to you and/or those around you? Who is it that has been given that gift and uses it appropriately? This may be a person you will learn to treasure…as painful as it can be sometimes.

Lord of Light you bring the voice of love to us through the voices of many around us. That voice pulls us in and draws us many pictures of the truthfulness and eternal presence of your love. When we resist this voice, continue to send your Spirit to open our hearts and walk within the light of blessed Reign. Amen.

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