Thursday, September 29, 2005

30 September 2005

Luther's writings on baptism leave us with much in regard to guidance and encouragement.

...the first thing to be considered about baptism is the divine promise, which says: "(One who believes and is baptized will be saved" [Mark 16:16]. This promise must be set far above all the glitter of works, vows, religious orders, and whatever else (humanity) has introduced, for on it all our salvation depends. But we must so consider it as to exercise our faith in it, and have no doubt whatever that, once we have been baptized, we are saved. For unless faith is present or is conferred in baptism, baptism will profit us nothing; indeed, it will become a hindrance to us, not only at the moment of when it is received, but throughout the rest of our lives.

"One who believes and is baptized will be saved" means that any works of any kind have no place, nor do they have any power for new life. The promise in baptism is the beginning of a whole new world. The promise saves us from the futile task of trying to make something of ourselves. To not trust that divine promise is to step forward into the days of our lives as though the promise was worthless and, in essence it certainly is because we do not trust that it is real. If we do not trust the promise, what good is it to us as we move through the events of our lives? Therefore, we are called to "exercise" our faith. That is, step out into what has been promised as though it is the word of truth for the living of this day. In faith, we begin to contemplate the way our baptism shapes how we go about the day. By faith, we walk along the path of the one who calls us into the life of the cross and the promise of the resurrection. There is no waiting for something to come down the road. Yes, there is something down the road, but the road is already before us and we have the blessed opportunity to walk wherever it will take us. Baptism initiates us into the way of salvation. We are God's saving people...who take the risk, right now, to be a part of the promised new life that has been given to us...for life.

Connection: When we daily exercise our baptism, we can do it anywhere and at anytime. It is as simply as bringing it to mind...remembering what God has done. Sounds simple. As part of that exercising, we are given many ways of staying toned...keep the life fresh and the promise as real as the world around us. That is not always so easy...and yet it is vital for us as we walk together as followers of Jesus. Together we encourage one another to begin our baptismal journey within God's promises again...and again.

Come, Holy Spirit, and touch our hearts that in the mix of the day's activities we will remember who we are through the waters of our baptism. As that becomes the way we prayerfully engage this day, prepare us to be willing to enter into the mystery of your promises for life. Amen.

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