Tuesday, November 22, 2005

22 November 2005

Today from "Do No Harm" the topic of sin-talk is defilement - by Stephen G. Ray, Jr.

The perceived disruption of the moral order caused by the defiling presence of an "unnecessary" group is of the gravest significance because...it can result in a situation where "the blessing is withdrawn, and the power of the curse unleashed," leaving only "barrenness, pestilence, confusion." The upshot of this presumption is that persons who, by their mode of existence, disrupt the moral universe are presented as a danger not only to themselves, but to the whole of society. Consequently, it becomes a significant moral responsibility of society to police, and in some instances destroy, those who defile the social order by disrupting the moral order with their presence. This responsibility holds even when the persons or communities so identified are apparently contributing members of society. We see this phenomenon in situations like the Jewish citizens under the Nazi regime or gay Christians in contemporary North American Protestant church life.

Today's reading needed to be longer in order to let the defining situations unfold. Ray will go on to say that the demonization doesn't depend on how these people actually live their lives, but only on how their essential identity is rendered in public discourse. In that discourse, they can be wiped out verbally and that can then become the case essentially. The Nazis tried to eliminate the Jews and other groups they labeled as defiling their "race" and the church in many places is working very hard to remove brothers and sisters in Christ because of their sexual orientation. Again it must be emphasized that the actions are not taken because of what a person actually has done or what they have allegedly done. Rather, it is simply about who they essentially are...their being. Their sheer being is drawn into question and their worth is considered less than others. That is a bold and demonic step. And yet, remember that it is usually done by people who think they are helping to rid the world or the society of "bad" elements in order to protect the society as they have painted it. Their self-defined righteous actions actually become the most heinous of actual sins. They become what they say they abhor.

Connection: Again, we are back to listening. There will be people or groups that really do things that harm others. Then there are those who simply are bundled into an imaginary monster presence. It happens over time. It is as though its happening is right and good. Look again.

We count on the power of your Holy Spirit, O God, to lead us into the way of truth so we will be able to do battle with the lies that we so often find as a part of our lives. Lies that damage everyone and yet cost some groups of people their essential dignity of life. Forgive us and continue to call us into your loving Reign. Amen.

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