Wednesday, November 9, 2005

9 November 2005

A last word from Richard Jenson on preaching and the doctrine of the "indwelling of Christ" (theosis) as seen in Luther's writings. (Currents in Theology and Mission)

Proclamation, the heart of the sermon, announces a promissory event of God. God's word so announced is a creative word. God's word is always creative! It creates what it promises (Isaiah 55:10-11). It is a word that can make humans divine. It is theosis. The sermon focuses on divine agency, not human responsive agency. I lean toward the idea that preaching effects transformation of human agency; teaching is the community at work discovering ways in which people who have been divinized might best give shape to the new life that has taken root within them. (p.437)

First it is important to note that the announcement of "a promissory event of God" is at the heart of a sermon. There may be other things in the sermon, but that Word of promise is what is proclaimed loudly and clearly. It is the action of God who is for us that transforms us. We do not transform ourselves to fit into the shape or mold of God's people. That Word that does that must be put out for the hearing of the gathered community. This is why as we talk about stewardship, we do not focus simply on our response. Any group of people involved in any organized group can do that - fundraisers abound. But for those who are called to be stewards of life within the Reign of God, there is promise...there is God for us and never cutting and running from us...there is the very breath we breathe. What is...draws out whose we are and who we will be. Stewards have been divinized and their lives are made new before we act. Therefore, the responsibility of being a steward of the Reign of God is simply a part of what the proclamation of good news does to us.

Connection: So, good stewards, welcome into the gracious unfolding of the Reign of God.

For the welfare of your creation, O God, we give you thanks. You create and you entrust us with the ongoing work of this creative process in which we become a part of your blessed work. Continue to encourage us with your promise of new life so that we do not fear walking into it and living as your stewards each day. Amen.

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