Wednesday, April 26, 2006

27 April 2006

Today an image from the Apocalypse is used by Ronald Sider as he continues to consider Christ and Power.

The vision of the final consummation in the Book of Revelation confirms the view that the principalities and powers will finally be reconciled rather than destroyed. No biblical writer stresses the fallen character of the state more than the seer of the Apocalypse. But he also writes that in the Eschaton, the kings of the earth shall bring their glory into the New Jerusalem... To be sure, the nations as we know them will have to be mightily transformed, for nothing unclean dare enter the Holy City (Rev. 21:27). But that will certainly happen for the tree of life stands in the midst of the New Jerusalem and its leaves are for the healing of the nations (22:2).

The nations "as we know them" will have to go through a transition into a whole new way of being what they are to be. The powers of the world and the way they move through life attempting to be in control of all that is, will have to come to an end. Again, this is not destruction...this is transformation. We are still taking about the structures of creation...and this will not be destroyed. Rather, creation and all the powers therein will face a necessary redesign that will be much like a return to the creative energy and intention present at the very beginning of all things. We must remember that as we talk about the "nations" or the "powers" - we are also talking about ourselves. The whole world - all things - will be changed. We sometimes say "in the twinkling of an eye" which means already and yet as we look around not yet. In other words, the change comes and we cannot ever control its timing and its revolutionary transformation of the greatest and the least of the powers of the world.

Connection: I would hope that none of us is satisfied with how we are living our lives. Self-satisfaction seems to carry with it the notion that all is well in the world and therefore we do not stretch beyond ourselves into the life of God's Reign awaiting our participation.

O Lord of New Life, you change the way the powers attempt to rule lift us up so that we can see the broad horizon of your gracious forgive us so we, your people, can approach all the powers of the world with a disarming humility and truthfulness that will bring all people to your glorious rule. Amen.

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