Friday, April 28, 2006

28 April 2006

We end the week with Ron Sider's insights on how we engage the powers and principalities in his book "Christ and Violence." aggressive should we be in our confrontation with the fallen principalities and powers of the marketplace and the forum? Should we merely give our witness and prepare to defend ourselves our should we take the offensive?
...In a fallen world where the powers have erected hostile dividing walls of class, race, sex, and age, merely living out the full reality of Jesus' new community where all relationships - whether psychological, economic, or social - are now redeemed is a profoundly political witness.

We live out the "full reality of Jesus' new community" and we will be confronting the fallen principalities and powers. I started to read Taylor Branch's book "At Canaan's Edge" and it is amazing how the powers and principalities rise up to attack those who are willing to embody the love of Christ by breaking down the walls that are set up to divide people. When I say attack, it must be seen as violent attack - that is the only way the powers know how to stay in power. Those people who were living as though the unjust laws of the land were not to be followed and that the way of justice and nonviolence was the path they would follow, were beat down, spit upon, ridiculed, threatened...and yet, their witness to the Prince of Peace still shines brighter than any of the principalities and powers will ever shine. This does not mean that it is the work of the followers of Jesus to somehow gain power over the fallen principalities and powers. If we do that, we are simply playing their game. Rather, we walk in the way of Jesus. That is no pie-in-the-sky walk. It is a down-to-earth, loving embrace that is shaped by the embrace given to us through Christ, Jesus. We need to remember, though, that living out the "full reality of Jesus' new community" will not be met with open arm...but rather violence that is meant to threaten us into putting an end to this faithful following of our Lord, Jesus.

Connection: We will always need to walk in the light. This might not be the best strategy for standing in the face of the powers of the day, but it is a necessary way to be who we are called to be. Therefore, sometimes when we stand within the realm of God's love put to life among us, we will not be appreciated and we may even be considered as doing something wrong. Therefore, once again, we need the community of faith to help us discern our actions every day.

You bless us, O Prince of Peace, with another way to move through the days of our lives. It is not always clear how we are to face this day and yet, as we return to the story of your life, death, and resurrection, we are drawn into a new light and a new vision for life among us. We give you thanks for being our strength and our guide. Amen.

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