Monday, November 13, 2006

13 November 2006

This week we will hear from Dietrich Bonhoeffer as he writes of the body of Christ as the 'new human being.'

Since the ascension, Jesus Christ's place on earth has been taken by his body, the church. The church is the present Christ himself. With this statement we are recovering an insight about the church which has been almost totally forgotten. While we are used to thinking of the church as an institution, we ought instead to think of it as a person with a body, although of course a person in a unique sense.

This is quite a statement about our life together. The church is called the body of Christ and that living sense of a body is to be received quite literally. As we all know, when we refer to the church as an institution it is just that - impersonal, self-perpetuating, unwilling to risk for fear of the break down of the institution. At some levels, the church may look like an institution but it is always to be the body of Christ. It is to be the living witness to the Reign of God in the way Jesus was that witness for we are now in his place. Again we must remember that 'we' are in his place. When we gather together in the name of Jesus, we become that bodily presence of Christ, Jesus. Yes, we are not quite up to that mark but we are to see ourselves as that body and then anticipate how that body lives from day to day.

Connection: What will this body be about today? How will each of us begin to live as though we are a part of the body of Christ in a real and present life.

Saving Lord, you call us to follow and then after your death and resurrection, you call us your body. Does this mean that our living is to be the life that will bring others to also follow? If it is, embolden us to live in the way of your beloved, Jesus. Inspire us and send us out into this day trusting in what you are making of this body in the middle of what will come. Amen.

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