Sunday, November 5, 2006

6 November 2006

As we continue with Bonhoeffer's discussion of the Body of Christ, we come to look at the sacraments.

How then do we come to participate in this body of Christ who did all of this for us? For this much is certain: there is no community with Jesus Christ other than the community with his body! It is in this body alone that we are accepted and able to find salvation! The way we do gain a share in the community of the body of Christ is through the two sacraments of his body, that is baptism and the Lord's Supper.

We do not simply participate in the sacraments as events that take place within the liturgy of the church. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are not 'events' to which we go. The participation is one in which through these sacramental moments, all the moments of our lives are shaped. Through baptism we become a part of this living presence of Jesus that has a history of life that goes along with the adventure into which we are moving every day. Through the Lord's Supper, we are strengthen and encouraged as we participate in the life into which we are called. We must also remember that along with these sacraments, there is the word that informs us and also shapes us. Within both of these sacraments there is that word reminding us of the participation in the body that is now our lives. The 'event' and the 'action' within the context of the church at worship becomes the pattern of our participation - our life.

Connection: Daily we are called into this great fellowship that is the body of Christ. It is a journey into which we each are invited to walk and yet it is one in which we are a part of a much larger movement that is to become for us the encouragement of our lives. Imagine all the people coming forward to receive the Lord's Supper this Sunday. Now imagine them willing to be at your side to support, encourage, forgive, welcome, etc. Now imagine you are that for them also.

From the waters of our baptism, O God, you bring around us the blessed of your Church who invite us into the promised life that awaits us even within this day. Within the body of Christ you have given a place to begin and a place to end all things within the confidence of your love. Thanks be to you, O God. Amen.

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