Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Thursday 9 August 2007

Over the past three days the devotions focused on three passages from the Hebrew Scriptures as part of a way Walter Brueggeman suggests that we need a spirit-led imagination in worship. Here are some summary remarks:

The dominant narrative of anti-neighborly late capitalism moves along without these greats texts. The dominant version of reality:

  • goes without Exodus 15, and so imagines that oppressive power is forever

  • goes without Psalm 136, with nothing of fidelity and so gives no thanks

  • goes without Psalm 107, and end in silence that crushes the human spirit

We, all of us, are to some extent practitioners of that dominant version of reality. It comes at us in many forms; if we conform to that dominant voice of reality, we may receive its surface gifts of well-being and security for a while. There is enough truth in the dominant version of reality for it to maintain its credibility, but only for a while.

Vital to the life of the church is the ability to realize how easily it is for any of us to fall under the rule and be the supporter of such a power that seeks to dominate. It becomes so important for us to be engaged in these few simple exercises as we go along through the days at hand. To be able to imagine what is greater than what is...to imagine a reality in which power is not use over and against others, but rather with the other held up as one of us and worthy is quit a wild bit of imagination. And yet, it is the inbreaking of this sub-version of life for all. In addition, we must be a people who do something very simple and something that can be a part of all the events of this day - give thanks go God who has been and will be available to us in all times. In that way, we may find ourselves in the middle of a radical bunch of people who actually do share and give away and provide for the welfare of others. Finally, it has become more and more apparent to me that this last point of Brueggemann's is so important for all of us - end the silence. We must give voice to the brutaities of our day. There is a need to remember the cry of the whole community. We are a part of that community. When there is suffering...when there is oppression...when there are lies that help the dominant version of reality shut down the way evil so easily crushes people, we can do something so easy as speak up...cry with others...give voice to a reality that is not allowed to emerge.

Connection: Imagine....give thanks...lift every voice and sing of a new way to live even when the face of the world around us does not share in such an imaginative life - as the Reign of God - already among us.

It is so easy for us to fall in line with the way the stories of the world around us would have us go. We call on you, O God, to be our encouragement. Raise up those around us so that as we step forward into this day there are others who will be our help and our support and the very encouragement we ask you to provide for us. Amen.

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