Friday, November 2, 2007

Monday 5 November 2007

Let's begin the week with one more comment by Walter Wink on the story of the healing of the paralytic and forgiveness of sins as it refers to the son of Man - the Human Being.

When the church ceased to read the reference to the Human Being here as universal empowerment to forgive sins, and took it instead as a christological title more or less equivalent to Christ and Son of God, the authority to declare people reconciled to God ceased to be the common property of the New Humanity established by Jesus. Instead, it became the sole perogative of Jesus and, through ordination, of those who continued to represent him as the official leaders of the chruch. With ordination, the rank-and-file members were stripped of the authority to declare others forgiven on behalf of God. The "laity" became passive recipients of grace and thus emptied themselves once again into transcendence.

It is so important for us to be able to forgive others. It is the beginning of the healing of all of us. This is not something that can be held off for someone else to do for us. When that it the case, some often go without hearing the word of forgiveness or speaking the word of forgiveness. The whole community suffers form that unwillingness to share in what I would consider the high-calling of our humanity. We have let go of this power for life. It has thus become something like a magical experience...only done at certain times, under certain situations, and by certain people. When Jesus heal and forgives that paralytic, is it a word to us to not shut up - but rather, speak the words and begin to experience what may come when our Humanity lives within the realm of forgiveness that is our inheritance. I think forgiveness is such a strange and wonder-filled act that we cannot even imagine what new life can come from our experience of being forgiven or offering forgiveness. I suppose the best way to enter into that part of our Humanity is to risk being a part of this power for new life.

Connection: There's something about forgiveness that calls us to let go. Letting go can be a challenge., begin to let go.

Forgiving Lord, lead us along the path that brings us into the land of forgiveness in which we are active parts of your Reign where new life is created and old wounds are healed. In that land where you pitch you tent, may we be there with you celebrating life that is within our reach as you bless us all. Amen.

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