Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday 5 September 2008

Jesus' way was the way of the Reign of God that Stanley Hauerwas notes is the imitation of God.

...Jesus serves those he would help and those he must confront. In response to people's faith he heals, crediting not his own authority but the person's faith and God's power as the source of healing. He does not seek out those to heal, for he came out to preach, but he heals those who come to him. Moreover, he serves the authorities by confronting them. "Jesus confronts the authorities with the nature of God's rule and with the seriousness of their offenses against it, but he does not impose his authority on them. After each confrontation, he moves on, leaving the authorities to choose their response. He is not a military messiah who uses a sword or manipulated the crowds to impose his authority. He does not even fight to defend himself, and he endures the consequences of his opponent's scorn."

Jesus lives as though he is the life of the Reign of God. He does not push it on people. He does not impose it. He does not insist on his way as the way all people must walk. Rather, he lives within the power of that Reign and people come to him...people are moved by the reality in which he walks...people come to the power of God's Reign that is the power of Jesus' life. I find that the church today is losing its willingness to be the power of this Reign. Rather, too many want there to be a confrontational faith in which people must choose to be on the right side and if a person is not with us, just as we have defined it, they must be defeated or rebuked. Isn't our witness to be one that comes to life and turns people's heads because they see something that no power in our world can offer?!? Isn't our witness to be one of confrontation when we talk in the midst of the powers of the world?!? We don't pick "parties" or candidates to carry our banner. Rather, in the power of the resurrection, we flat out live within the promise and vision of the new age and that life will, by its very nature, confront all and any sides of our world's politics.

Connection: Let's think of ourselves as people who walk through this day as one's who live in the Reign of God. That is not a pushy position. Rather, it is one that is humble and direct and willing to be put out to dry when we speak or act up in such a way.

Let you Reign encircle us, O God, and as we come to life within your gracious love be our support and encouragement for it is so easy for us to turn away from your domain. Amen.

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