Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday 22 September 2008

Jesus and the Kingdom of God continues to be our focus this week - again from Stanley Hauerwas.

The reality of that new manifest through Jesus' healings and exorcism, where Jesus comes face to face with the demons that rule our lives and this world and decisively defeats them. Thus in Mark Jesus comes preaching, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel" (1:15), but it is the demons and unclean spirits which recognize him as a threat (1:23; 1:34). Jesus' healing is not an end in itself, or simply a sign of compassion, but an indication of the power of the kingdom. He makes no attempt to cure all; rather he must go to the next towns to preach "for that is why I came out" (1:38).

Jesus comes "face to face with the demons that rule our lives and this world." Remember that this is not some strange supernatural battle against aliens who are trying to win us over. Rather, these are real sides of our world...of us. So many things try to rule us and pull us into a life that is contrary to the Reign of God. In that life...dis-ease is manifest and able to kill and devour us. In that life...war breaks out over the slightest difference or misunderstanding or need to have something that someone else has. These are demons around and within. Jesus comes to defeat them and bring us into a life where the shalom of the Reign of God grasps us and healing does take place on many levels. I think we need to also think of these demons as poverty and homelessness and economic oppression and military control. They are demons "out there" and they are demons cause war among us and in us. That is why even we do not like what Jesus brings when he confronts the demons and brings new life. We are often a part of the power of darkness that wants nothing to do with a new life in a new age.

Connection: Imagine thinking of this day as a cosmic battle in which we are invited to follow our Lord, Jesus, into a life of shalom where shalom is not honored. What would it be like!?!

Lord of All Peacefulness, you deliver us from the powers of death and lead us into the life that grows in the midst of your peace. It is not always a easy place to be. Peace is often resisted and new life often seems frightening because we are so used to the ways that already exist. Be our encouragement and hope. Amen.

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