Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday 13 February 2009

Here is a short piece of a longer paragraph on race and soft mindedness - again in "The Strength to Love" by MLK.

Soft mindedness is one of the basic causes of race prejudice. The tough minded person always examines the facts before he reaches conclusions: in short, he postjudges. The tender minded person reaches conclusions before he had examined the first fact; in short, he prejudges and is prejudiced. Race prejudice is based on groundless fears, suspicions, and misunderstandings. there are those who are sufficiently soft-minded to believe in the superiority of the white race and the inferiority of the Negro race in spite of the tough minded research of anthropologists who reveal the falsity of such a notion.

Making sure we maintain that tough mindedness that allows us to investigate and step outside of the boundaries we have set up within our lives is necessary for building a wholesome community that is able to welcome all into the embrace of the community. We must always be willing to step outside our box. First of all, I guess that means we must all admit that we all do live in our own boxes - sometimes. At that point, we have the ability and power to step out of the box or at least begin to investigate what is already out of the box. That investigation may lead us into a whole new world that opens us up to more of the beauty of God's creation. Fears and suspicions and misunderstandings too often undercut the truth and when truth is undercut, we tend to fall for anything that is offered.

Connection: What are the boxes in which you can find yourself within this day? They are there. We need only see them and we begin to see everything new.

When you Reign over us, O God, it is over all of us. Inspire us to see the all that we miss when we focus on that which simply reflects me. Amen.

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