Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday 19 February 2009

Pardon me for missing yesterday. Today we move on into a section in "The Strength to Love" that will pull us from tough & soft mindedness into a consideration of tenderheartedness - again, M.L. King.

But we must not stop with the cultivation of a tough mind. The gospel also demands a tender heart. Toughmindedness without tenderheartedness is cold and detached, leaving one's life in a perpetual winter devoid of the warmth of spring and the gentle heat of summer. What is more tragic than to see a person who has risen to be the disciplined heights of toughmindedness but has at the same time sunk to the passionless depths of hardheartedness?

Last night we were walking through some of the voices of the prophets. There were some tough-minded words and images - frightening at times. Then again, those words were never left to stand alone. They were never the foundation of a hardheartedness of our God. Rather, within the sound of those tough-minded words was the tender heart of our God whose love does not fade away. Time and time again when one would expect God's heart to turn hard - there was liberation, salvation, compassion, mercy, forgiveness...and new life. Today in the ELCA the long-awaited statement on human sexuality and the report and recommendations on ministry policies will be put out for public consumption. It is my fear that we will choose to stay put where we are. Though there is no consensus on how we are to be the church with GLBT saints among us, will we have the courage to step forward and say for some the church may run like this...for others there will need to be another way - but we will be one body? As is too often the case, we do not step up onto the platform of liberty and freedom and amazing grace. Too often we stay in the same place so that we may appear to be "tough-minded" and not letting things "get out of control." That stance is often a good one to take - but not always. Today we must be willing to be courageous and bold and act with tender hearts. That does not do away with any "law." Rather it rests alone on the gospel. For today, in our church that lacks consensus on these matters, we must gather in the lost on both sides of these issues and like a parent bring all the children - without excuse - to the table to share the meal and be fed of the same food and be sent out with the same news that brings hope and life to all. I don't think we will go there. Rather, more than likely, we will set several tables, be pleased with ourselves that we are at least in the same room, but it will be very clear where each of us is allowed to sit...and not sit. Tender-hearted?

Connection: When we act, it may still be good to count to ten before we act. That may be when we give ourselves the time to let the tenderness of our hearts inform the tough-mindedness that we are trying to nurture.

When you bind us together in you love, O God, we are all bound up in you alone. We may differ and not want to be with one another, but you bind us together in love. Your love is the power that helps us hear and see your good news as though it is all tied up with us...and becoming us. Let you Spirit of unity be our breath. Amen.

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