Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday 9 April 2009

More from "The Strength to Love" by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Realizing that fear drains a man's energy and depletes his resources, Emerson wrote, "He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear."
But I do not mean to suggest that we should seek to eliminate fear altogether from human life. Were this humanly possible, it would be practically undesirable. Fear is the elemental alarm system of the human organism which warns of approaching dangers and without which man could not have survived in either the primitive or modern worlds.

This alarm system sounds throughout our lives. When the alarms sounds we lift up our heads to that which has created the fear within our lives. I know that sometimes when that alarm goes off, I simply want to run...or hide...or ignore it with the wish that it would go away. Any of those reactions to fear sounding in my life have an impact on how I go about the rest of the day. And, I would add, how I look at myself later in the day. When fear has been able to press me down it not only changes what I do next, it changes how I imagine myself acting the next time I'm confronted with situations that create fear within me. Then again, I know that it is empowering to face a situation that is fear-filled and walk out the other side. I don't think it matters whether the fear has been beaten down or if I am still shaking with fear afterwards. The important part of facing my fears is that I faced whatever it was that was about to rule my life. I call that Good Friday. Facing the fears and going on without having the day go my way. Facing the fears and trusting that there is life on the other side of whatever has been causing me to shake in my shoes or even think about giving up. Before us, we say, Jesus goes to the cross and faces the fears and pains that are almost unimaginable. Before that we too will know of the life of fear-facing and the surprises that can come next. Fear does not defeat hope and promise - it brings shape to it all.

Connection: I'm always surprised by what little things can cause me to fear what is coming next. Change....something that little....breathing....something that essential - fear will settle in and be a part of shaping even those moments.

Lord of New Life, we are always walking in a world of fear and you call us to keep walking - remain focused on the promise of life that no fear can defeat. It is not easy and it is so easy to let fear shape us. Continue to be our strength and hope. Amen.

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