Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday 29 May 2009

Today is the 1800th devotion since beginning this journey - thanks to those who have helped to give me life. Today is a more from William Willimon.

Salvation is not only what God does in Jesus Christ (what theologians speak of as grace) but also who we are in that converting awareness that God is not only God but also God "for us and for our salvation" (justification and sanctification). When the God who was presumed by us to be an enemy against us is known as god the friend 'pro nobis,' that is salvation in its fullness. To be saved is the fitting human response to the stunning divine move on us. This is why Peter can say to the street mob, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation" (Acts 2:40). Though we are not the agents of salvation, God's salvation is meant to be received, embraced, and enjoyed.

Have you ever head of salvation as God's "stunning divine move on us." What a way of making this all sound so directed and intentional and real. My wife and I go round and round about this "making a move on me" image. I never see it. She sees it and then asks me if I noticed that I was being "hit on." Duh...I don't see it and actually don't believe it. She now has taught me what to look for...duh. Well, this God of ours is always making this "stunning divine move on us" whether we see it or not. It is not something we have to is something that is. God moves in on us and is constantly (eternally is another way to say it) wooing us into a life that God's grace makes readily available to us. That action by our God need only be "received, embraced, and enjoyed." It is enough.

Connection: Be ready to be wooed today. God is really on the move.

By the wind of your creation, you bring life to all your people, O God. We long for your holy presence that enlightens the way in which we will move through this day and how we will be swept up by this gracious wind of life. Amen.

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