Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday 2 June 2009

More on The Gospel of Salvation - by William Willimon.

The first book of the Bible says that the world is initiated solely through an act of God and the last book of the Bible is a sustained hymn that sings the great triumph of God in which creatures in heaven and on earth sing that "salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne" (Rev.7:10). Crucified Jesus is the one who brings "Salvation and glory and power" (Rev.19:1)
A Christian is someone who lives in the light of this story. A Christian and a Buddhist (or for that matter, a Republican or a Democrat) differ primarily on the basis of the stories they are living. These stories tell us what is going on in the world, what we might reasonably expect and who really sits on the throne.

There are so many stories that influence us. Not all stories bring new life and a wholeness that helps to heal the world. In fact, some stories lead us into acts of violence and life that is quite contrary to what we call the peaceable Reign of God. I like language within the life of the Church that accents the fact that we are people who walk and live in the "way of Jesus." This is the light for our stories - the light for our lives...and it is meant to be the light that shows among us and through us. With that in mind, it is important to consider who sits on the throne of our lives. There is a character of life that comes with the one we say is on that throne leading us and calling us forward into this day to be fully alive within this domain of grace and peace and mercy. For me, it is important to say that our God, incarnate in Jesus, is the blessed character that is handed to me as a gift. You may not always see how that gift is shaping me - that's my stuff. What you may see at times is a glimmer of this ruling power being made known in, with, and under how I am in the world with you.

Connection: A good inventory to take each day is to simply reflect on who is sitting on the throne of the power that leads us through this day. What does it look like and who does it make us?

Lord of All Life, you promise to take us up into your Reigning power and bring among us a life that is as real as your beloved, Jesus. Open our hearts that this story will be the guide for the living of our lives. Amen.

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