Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday 30 June 2009

More on this love of God - William Willimon.

Salvation, from our side, is acceptance rather than decision, result, or program because salvation is, in the words of Paul, "free gift":
'The grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abounded for many...If, because of one man's trespass (Adam), death exercised dominion through that one, much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness exercise dominion in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.' (Romans 5:15-17)
Note that Paul uses the more passive "receive" (lambano) rather than the more active "decide" or "choose," stressing the work of Christ rather than our decision. When asked, "Where were you saved?" Barth replied, "On Golgotha."

For many of us, the notion of deciding and choosing our salvation is strange. I know that many folks are so in the boat of salvation being a complete gift that decision kind of theology seems odd and self-centered. Like "I did it." Then again, we must remember that many followers of Jesus are of the mind that we must choose to follow...that it is up to us. Most often we see this in churches that baptize only adults or teens - because they can actually come to a time of decision and it is more "meaningful" and more deliberate. Infant baptism is still considered odd to many folks. We hold up infant baptism because it is a living and breathing reminder of who it is that does the choosing - our God. Our salvation is thus, in God's hands - not ours. We do no work...we do not do a certain amount of study...we do not need to see someones life change around as proof of this salvation. Instead, we respond to what God has announced and how God has drawn near and who is gathered into this community of the lost now found. I continuously await those moments in the day in which this unbounded love reminds me of my place before God and then it becomes the power to remind me of the same place held by others...even those who are not like me. Salvation is a surprising power and the Spirit sees to how it will unfold among us.

Connection: Now that everything is done...what do we do for the rest of our lives? Maybe - simply let ourselves be surprised by how God's driving love for us is the power that can move us into life that is beyond anything we try to make for ourselves under our own power.

Be the wind that directs us and move us, O God, it is your Spirit that carries us into the shadow of the cross and through death to new life. Continue to grace us with your loving presence and power. Amen.

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