Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Here's Willimon sharing a bit more from Origen.

When someone is "lost" does that mean simply that he or she has not yet been found? Origen expects that the torment of bishops and other sinners will not last forever. In a crescendo of divine resolve, all shall be restored. God's punishment is not an end in itself but is yet another example of the ways that god weaves even the worst of calamities into God's good purposes. Until that time of eventual restoration, the drift of sinners into hell and the torments endured there must bring torment to the loving Savior, if the Savior's goals is to save, to return all things and all people to the perfect harmony that the Creator intended at the beginning . Origen taught this, not on the basis of any sentimental or optimistic assessment of human nature but rather on the basis of his unqualified faith in the essential benevolence and mercy of God.

I find that a leap is made here. There is this wonderful comment" In a crescendo of divine resolve, all shall be restored." There is no need to add anything. Can we not settle on the wonder of this action and consider who gracious is the one who restores and the life that come within the restoration? And yet...there is that need, by some, to wander into the abyss of hell and torment - as though we must explain that in order to get to the gracious and merciful restoration that knows no end. The bottom line for Origen is a good one in my book. He has this "unqualified faith in the essential benevolence and mercy of God." From that reality as we walk out into the day, our gait is quite different from the legalism and fears and threats that usually attempt to rule us. We can do that...it is part of the promise where God's Spirit takes us into God's future each day.

Connection: Today is another opportunity to hear that "crescendo of divine resolve" and be a restored people - again.

God of Life Eternal, show us the way - again. In the midst of threats and fears, show us how bountiful is your grace and love and mercy that is eternally inviting us to walk with you. Amen.

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