Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday 6 November 2009

Here is an interesting difference Willimon sees between Christianity and Islam in regard to heaven and hell.

One of the ways that Christian Scripture differs from that of Islam is that we are not permitted to know as much as Islam knows about heaven or hell. Christ's judgment is not his judgment if we presume to know the outcome beforehand. We must resist premature conclusion or synthesis. We are not permitted too despair, nor are we permitted to be presumptuous; that which we presume is not a gift, and despair doubts that Christ is able to accomplish his purposes. Humility is required.

To be quite honest, I'm sure this is an accurate portrayal of Islam. Having said that, I thought it best to comment on our side of this discussion. Often I will use language like "we know the end of the story" or "the judgment is for us by the Lord who is for us." Is that being presumptuous? I don't think so. We say such things as a way of saying "now what"...." what is life to be now"...."how do we begin to live the gift of life God has given us in Christ, Jesus" - as though it is raining down upon us already. In such a way, we are not "betting on what will be" or holding onto it as a prize we can rub in the faces of others. Rather, it becomes part of the promise that is to empower us to serve others more fully - even to the point of risking our lives for them the their welfare.

Connection: Living within the realm of the humility of the Reign of God can be a risky life. And yet, with us each step of the way is the Lord of Life who promises to always be our guide and strength.

Lord lift us up this day and continue to let your promises feed us and send us. Amen.

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