Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday 9 November 2009

Today we will be moving into a section of "Who will be Saved?" called - Salvation takes time - from William Willimon.

Jesus told the one about the unproductive fig tree (Luke 13:6-9). Three years, no figs. The master orders the servant, "Cut it down" (vs.7). Time's up. But the servant pleads with the master's justifiable judgment, saying "[allow me] to dig around it and put manure on it [and see what happens]" (v.8). The master mercifully relents and the unproductive tree is given more time to bear fruit. Are we hearing a conversation in the heart of the Trinity between the justifiable judgments of God the Father with the pleading mercy of God the Son? God judges but does so in the mercy of God's own good time. (There's no way any self-respecting farmer would leave alone an unproductive tree for three years. The farmer in Jesus' parable is remarkable for his disinterest in productivity.)

I know I like to know the timeline. I like to know when the ax will fall or when the "get out of jail free" card will be used. That's me...doing any little thing that will help me have a bit of control - even if it is only an illusion. But in all the waiting and watching and attempting to put an end to the story in a way that might fit the way I would have the story end, God does not let my notion of waiting and timing rule. God rules. God allows for time....foolish amounts of time....awkward amounts of time....time that would draw criticism - even rejection. In the meantime, the manure is piled on for our benefit. We are given the simple task of simply flourishing...coming to life...being who we were meant to be...a fig tree...or you....or me.

Connection: We need not waste the day wondering about what we will become. It is enough to be the beloved ones God sees in us. That is the foundation that makes life spring forth in all its fullness.

Patient God, as you call us to enter into your living Reign, it is as though you are able to wait for us as we go about everything else in our world we think will be a better way. And yet, you wait as we come to see how we stray and leave again and resist all that your are. And then, you are with us no matter where we have wandered. Praise to you, O God. Amen.

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