Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday 22 January 2010

I will be using a piece of Battle's comment following from yesterday's devotional piece and try to tie it into the latest actions of division in our country.

...any artificial barriers to separate human beings on the basis of race, status, wealth, gender or age are contrary to God's will and Christians should oppose any enforced separation or discrimination.

To greet me at breakfast this morning was news of the decision by the US Supreme Court to allow for no restrictions on the amount of money corporations may offer to candidates running for election in the US. In other words, a barrier has been set up between average citizens and the "interests" who are now able to direct and lead and bring about a government shaped by the "interests" of corporations. Now, we cannot point fingers unless those fingers also point back at each of us. To be quite honest, we are all a part the corporations that will no have the authority of the law behind their actions to turn the tide of elections in their way. After reading in Luke's gospel and this Sunday's text of Jesus commenting on words from Isaiah, it appears to me that all that Jesus entered into that day is a movement that is contrary to the action of the US Supreme court. Therefore, if we are followers of this Jesus, then we are put in a position to be people who will "opposes any enforced separation or discrimination." It appears that the Supreme Court has ruled against the ordinary, the common, in favor of the "lords" who long to take and keep and maintain power over others. We are in quite a predicament as followers of Jesus who are inspired to follow where we are and in the way of Jesus.

Connection: I'm baffled at this moment. I am profoundly saddened. What would Jesus do in the face of such an action that once again will lead to the captivity of most of God's children by the "power and principalities" whose interest will become even more self-centered?

Lord of Life, again let your Spirit raise us to life that is boldly inspired by your peaceable Reign that brings release to the captives and new life to all who find themselves under the control of the powers that be. Amen.

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