Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday 14 January 2010

The need to remind ourselves of the necessity to live together is an ongoing journey - again from Michael Battle.

In his critique of apartheid, Tutu contended that blacks and whites were caught up in false survival schemes which did not recognize that survival, to say nothing of flourishing, requires an understanding that black and white freedoms and identities are inextricably linked.

It is not easy to understand that being linked to those from whom we would rather be separated can be a good thing. And yet, that is our life as followers of Jesus. We are meant to bridge the step over the line of ignore the walls of bitterness and hatred. We are given the life of forgiveness in a world that cannot and will not give this life the time of day. This is our radical journey - always has been. It is out of forgiveness that we are able to really start the day in a new way. This is not the easy way. If it was, Jesus would have listened to Peter and went down another road - one that didn't go to Jerusalem. The story would then be a different story and we would not be remembering it or calling it the Way.

Connection: Yes, as hard as it impossible as it sounds and feels - forgiveness takes us through the divisions and into a new land of hopefulness and joy.

Creating God, we work so hard to create divisions and make sure they are maintained from generation to generation and yet you continue to invited us to go another way. In the power of you Spirit, encourage us to be a part of the healing of your creation and our home. Amen.

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