Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday 5 February 2010

I find this to be a good piece by which to end the week.

The human and divine dependence of Jesus assures the church of a new identity in which the individual and community exist in dependence. Jesus causes a new cultural politics in which social and economic agendas are based on the life of the triune God and defined by relationships with new sisters and brothers. In short, Jesus makes the other more important that self in order to understand self-identity.

When the trinity is seen as a "communal life" that is necessary for each part to be whole, it make sense that we too must be a part of a communal life. In that relationship, we are made holy whole when we are in communication with one another and share a living reality in which we are no longer separated but quite eternally connected. The connection can be painful and lead us beyond any one way. It makes me think of Jesus in Luke's gospel. He is always being pulled...from here to there. He is always being placed into moments in which relationships break wide open the vision of God's Reign so that people begin to see it all - alive and up close.

Connection: Just like it is next to impossible to define the trinity, so too is it next to impossible to explain how we are changed through dialogue and crossing over the divisions of life. And yet, we know that we are changed...we know something happened and continues to move us. What was it? Not sure...but it is happening.

Gather us into your Reign, O God. It is so easy to be scattered and then become comfortable within a reality that breeds separation and isolation. Gather us into your living Reign and pull us into the wide open spaces of your love that embraces more than what we can ever imagine. Amen.

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