Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday 3 February 2010

We keep pushing on....

Jesus, as Son of Man, is called to live the promise of new identity, to transcend cultural boundaries and conventions, to bring into view the power to redefine cultural constructions, and to establish a new identity. This vocation comes from the relationship of the imminent Trinity which demonstrates through Jesus that no longer can biological identities, nurtured in human families, simply identify the Christian (Matthew 12:46-49). A new cultural logic is produced through Jesus who requires of humanity obedience to the transcendent identity of baptism.

"Live the promise of new identity" - this is a bumper sticker that would turn heads and make folks want to hear more. And yet, it is an old promise we have heard through the prophets of old and the prophets would are willing to speak up today. It is within this promise that we no longer linger in the arena of fear and doubt and anxiety. Rather we can step up and meet the "other" who is our sister and brother - even though we would not admit it previously or were unaware that they help us be more of who we have been blessed to be. We have a cosmic identity. I used that term simply to move us out of our space that we like to call our own. If we have a cosmic identity, we are still finding out what make us who we are and who we will be. In this scenario, even the evil around us - the enemy we hold out at arms length with fine-tuned weapons - can be the unfolding of moments of grace that simply turn all of our worlds upside down. This is no easy adventure - this is a journey we must learn...and we learn it by watching the one we call Lord, Jesus...and then following along that way.

Connection: What is the word we hear so often in Scripture: Fear not. In other words, do not let the fear we hold so close keep us from seeing God's unfolding Reign and the gift of new life that awaits us within this day.

Carry us into your Reign, O God. Sometimes, we are not willing to go there. Sometimes we think we are run down and unable to walk your way. Sometimes it is too easy to stay put and be a part of all the rest of the powers that keep us divided. Carry us into your Reign where we will come alive in your image. Amen.

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