Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 27 April, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

 Today we continue in Brueggemann's chapter "The Scandal and Liberty of Particularity."
 ...these concentrations of power (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia) tolerated little deviation in matters of importance to them.  To ensure compliance, moreover, the political-economic-military power of hegemony is matched, characteristically, with imperial myths and rituals, liturgic activities that legitimated power realities.  It is not too much to conclude that the interface of political and liturgical efforts intended to generate a totalizing environment outside of which there were permitted no political forays, and where effective, no deviant imagination.
 The rule under such power is handed down to the children of the powerful.  To be outside of that position of power pretty much means you must be watchful - or you will be branded an enemy of the "empire" - "country."  Being watchful means that we are to obey what the storytelling of the empire hands out as the truth.  I suppose this can even pertain to religious groups.  That is, go along with the storytelling as it is known in the dominant story line or face consequences.  I have started to look at some ideas around what is called the "American Civil Religion."  As I read Brueggemann's comments, he is not speaking of ancient days.  We have myths and rituals that go along with who we try to say we are in our own country.  To attempt to live outside of those myths or to question them can bring down the wrath of neighbors and friends and the "empire."  Imagine a president saying "no" to putting his or her hand on a bible when the oath of office is taken on Inauguration Day.  The ritual is a must.  Even to draw it into question brings criticism and charges of being "un-American."  So in this kind of a civil arena, the followers of Jesus are invited to be contrary to any rule that would have us pay homage to any other god.
Connection: I was given a list of examples of day-to-day aspects of our American Civil Religion.  I think it would be a good exercise to try and list how many aspects of our day are shaped by the myths and rituals of our American culture.
Lord, God, you are the one who promises to give us life in and through all times.  When we are being wooed by the powers of the day, keep us faithful to you alone.  Then, along the way grant us the vision to see how your Reign is to come alive among us.  Amen.

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