Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 7 April, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

 The second literary voice that speaks to Israel when they are being dominated by Assyria is from Micah - again from Walter Brueggemann.
...the poet castigates the greedy who "covet fields and seize houses" (2:21).  the ones who violate Yahwism's covenantalism is such a way will lose out when the land is redivided, perhaps by the Assyrians (v.4).  Thus the expectations of Yahweh that will secure the community concern economic covenantalism in which the claims of the neighbor are not disregarded.  Judah as a "contrast society" is premised on the elemental command, "Thou shalt not covet," which is here understood as broad social policy and practice.
The people of God are to be a "contrast society." This is not a simple suggestion.  This is the way life is to be among us.  Life within this kind of society attracts attention because of the way they live together.  When it becomes a society that is ruled by the same kind of powers and rules as the rest of the world, what makes it a light - what makes it a new life?  So, the prophets offer a warning.  I would say it is more than a warning.  It is a blessed reminder meant to turn the heads of the covenant people.  The prophet calls the people to re-consider who has given them their place and their life and what it means to carry the banner of this covenantal relationship.  We do not know what the Assyrians would have done had they come up against a society that reflected the covenant life that so wonderfully takes a road less traveled. 
Connection: This may be what we all need to consider.  What difference does it make in the world if we would live out of the promises of our God in a world that has its own way of running all things.?
Guide us again, O God.  There are so many ways we would choose to walk through our lives and yet you call us in a way that reflects your Reign.  Guide us along that way, O God.  Amen.

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