Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Redeemer Devotions -21 July, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

   There is something that takes us beyond ourselves so that we can sense what is a part of the whole in which we live.  We are always being pulled to move out and among others.  Again from Moltmann:
If they want to resist the cynicism that manifest itself in the annihilation of the living in the human world and the world of nature, people must first overcome the growing indifference of their hearts.  We feel numbed by the mass deaths in Burundi and Bosnia.  We accept the mass extinction of animals and plant species without a quiver.  But the spirituality of life breaks through these inner numbnesses, the armour of our indifference and our emotional frigidity toward the suffering of others.  We can cry out again and weep together.  We can laugh again and dance, once this divine love for life awakens in us and the divine Spirit rouses our vitality.  those who begin to love life again like this - and not their own life alone - will resist the death drives in themselves and the powers of death round about them, and will fight for the future of life.
 Breaking through that indifference of our hearts is not easy.  Rather, it is easy to stay indifferent - to go our own way - to turn our face - to never let the words cross out lips.  That is why we are people who speak of this Spirit and long for the power of this wind to take us up into the life it brings.  And yet, it is so odd that what is part of the nature of our lives is that we resist the wind - we resist the hopefulness.  this makes me wonder about how we use the word resistance.  So often it designates those who resist that which is going on all about us - like war resisters - resisters at world economic conferences.  In reality, the status quo - that which is and that which seems to be in power - are really the elements of resistance.  They quite often resist the living presence of the Holy Spirit that never allows for the injustice and bias and prejudice that has become common among us. It is a strong resistance.  It is even able to convince most of us to 'go along' and leave things as is.  We count on this Spirit of life to resist 'the death drives' that reduce our future and attempt to rule our present.
Connection: The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
 Come. Wind of Life, Loving Breath of Renewal.  Come and move us into the ever-present reality of your Reign as it comes upon us each day.  Come and pull us again.  Amen.

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