Monday, July 26, 2010

Redeemer Devotions -26 July, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

 This week we will look at another chapter of Jurgen Moltmann's book "the Source of Life."  It is called: "In the fellowship of the Holy Spirit."
'The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.'  So runs an ancient Christian benediction (2 Corinthians 13:13).  Why is the special gift of the Spirit seen to be it fellowship, whereas grace is ascribed to Christ, and love to God the Father?  In his fellowship the Spirit is more than a neutral life-force.  The Spirit is God himself in person.  He enters into fellowship with believers and draws them into fellowship with him.  He is capable of fellowship, and willing for fellowship.  That is something special, for we hear nothing about the lordship of the Spirit here, as we should expect.
 Hey everybody.  God is in the room - in the midst of us - between us - around us - hovering over us - whipping around us and through us.  God is present as life being pulled into God's Reign among God's beloved.  I go back to the wonderful language of in, with and under.  God is present and we need only look around at others.  Here and now the fellowship of God's Reign is at hand.  That - is the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit is what is happening.  It is the fullness of the Reign of God - grace and love - taking shape as we gather and are sent out.  The character of God shows forth as this wind of life that never stops blowing us into directions we had not anticipated and alongside  people we absolutely would never embrace.  So it goes with  this fellowship.
Connection:Between us is this Spirit that promises to bring life - always.
Spirit of the Most High God, order our day and let the fullness of God's Reign break into all the events and moments we share with others.  Amen.

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