Monday, January 10, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - January,11 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

The critical time of exile became the shaping point of a whole people. is the deep fissure of this sixth-century disaster that has given Judaism it primary form, so much so that Jacob Neusner can judge that the theme of exile and return has become paradigmatic for all Jews for all time to come:
"The vast majority of the nation did not undergo the experiences of exile and return.  One part never left, the other never came back.  That fact show us the true character of the Judaism that would predominate: it began by making a selection of facts to be deemed consequential, hence historical, and by ignoring, in the making of that selection, the experience of others who had a quite different appreciation of what had happened - and, for all we know, a different appreciation of the message.  For, after all, the Judeans who did not go into exile also did not rebuild the temple, and the ones in Babylonia did not try."

Again, the ones who tell the stories have an opportunity to shape the character of those who are listening.  Therefore, defeat can be overcome.  Death can be pushed out of the way.  Hope can rise up when there is nothing about which people can hang their lives.  This all takes eyes that can expand what is so that what is becomes a part of the wonder-filled possibility of God's power to bring life and sustain a people.  Prophets have a way of doing such things.  They look out and they can envision the Reign of God and they paint it within the framework of what is.  Sometimes people will laugh at them because it does not fit what can be seen.  At other times, their words and actions shake our foundations and help us turn around and look again at who God sees in us when God looks upon us.  It is empowering to be called the beloved of God when you are not feeling loved or cannot see the fruits of love around you.  

Connection: We need that voice among us.  We need someone to cut through the boxes in which we attempt to live so that we can begin to dance to the themes of God's domain. 

O God, Lord of the Dance, teach us to move to the beat of your vision and the tune of your graciousness.    Amen.

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