Thursday, January 20, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - January,20 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Here is why I consider Brueggemann to be a voice to which we must listen as we face the day at hand and our place in it as followers of Jesus. 

The emergence of the United States as empire had pivoted on its point of unrivaled military advantage.  But U.S. military advantage was and is closely tied to U.S. economic leverage, so that the U.S. flag, without any precise formulation, has come to symbolize both a powerful military commitment and an aggressive capitalism that is endlessly in pursuit of new markets and natural resources.  All of this, moreover, has been intimately tied to 'the Bible,' so that there is missional fervor and rationale for the imposition of U.S. cultural domination in the world.  Indeed, much of the missional energy of the U.S. church carried with it the U.S. flag and U.S. dollars, so that it has become very difficult to sort out what in such missional efforts, belongs to Caesar and what belongs to God.  The outcome has been an unprecedented accumulation of power, influence, and leverage in the world, with enormous benefit to the United States in terms of a seemingly limitless standard of living.

As some of you know, I have been involved with a small group of pastors who have tried to face off with a 'religious' group that is so intimately tied to people of power within the U.S. government that it is quite hard to distinguish whether the 'missional efforts' of the U.S. 'belongs to Caesar' or 'belongs to God.'  This tie that happens between the government (or empire) and religious groups who hand over religious language to be used as an instrument to further and benefit the empire is something that we must all watch very closely.  As people who follow Jesus, this Good News - this Law of Love - this peaceable Reign, cannot be used to bless the work of nations that are not at all fulfilling this vision.  Even when the nation does do good work and seems to be working for justice and peace in the world, we can speak up and say "Yes."  But we cannot stand up and say "Yes" when the reality is not that.  We must be a people who remember how to say "No" and step back from allegiance to powers that are contrary to the one God who call us God's own.   

Connection: So, faithful language that becomes faithful action can create a bit of turmoil and discontent.  That - will not always be appreciated.
O God, abide with us and be our encouragement for the day.  Amen.

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