Monday, March 28, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - March 28, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week we will move into another chapter in Brueggemann's book "Out of Babylon.  It is called Contestation over Empire.
The discernment of the empire by adherents of the local tradition is characteristically tricky and ambiguous.  In ancient Israel the reality of Babylon was overwhelming; it was not so easy or obvious to doubt or dismiss the Babylonian gods who appeared to be so powerful and effective.  Thus even among the prophets we may observe an ambivalence that reflects political realism. 
Even the prophets knew about timing and taking a look at the situation on the ground and moving forward - faithfully forward - with an understanding of what is taking place around them. This is good to remember. In a meeting last week, a number of us who have been trying to bring about some change in our church came to the realization that we will have to faithfully go about the work of the church even when the structure of things around us is not capable of moving in a new direction. It does not mean that we have been defeated or that we have given up. Rather it means that we must change the way we go forward - for now.  
Connection:Too often, the roadblocks in the way are able to stop us and we lose our sense of imagination and ability to press on within a faithful life. We forget that roadblocks do come down and roadways are made clear for new life. 
Even when we cannot see past this day, O God, we trust that you will be with us and move us along the way of your Reign even as it is in the face of the powers around us. .  Amen

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