Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - March 30, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Empires are not simply things of the distant past. They change faces and change the way they rule - but they are alive and we are residing in their world. Again from Walter Brueggemann.
In parallel fashion, the local tradition of the church amid the United States empire is sure to share that same ambivalence about the empire, given tax exempt status and many other deferences. Theologically, however, the freedom and hope of the local tradition of the church depends upon trusting and saying aloud the conviction that the U.S. does not finally merit fear, trust, or eventually obedience.  Such boldness is risky and not readily embraced by any of us.  It is nonetheless crucial to see that the issue is elementally theological. The local tradition, when faithful, casts its lot with the one whose governance will not be "annulled."
So the church lives within the embrace of the empire.  I have always wondered what it would be like if churches no longer were given an 'official' status within our country.  What if we could be church and do what we do - but there would be no longer be exempt from taxes? Would we whither away? Can we be giving of ourselves when there is nothing concrete given back to us to encourage our giving? What I find so interesting in our country is that the church is expected to speak up with voices that can be contrary to the empire. In fact, it is encouraged - as long as it is done in a way that keep the 'religious' powers from taking hold of the power of the empire. But the moment that line is crossed we must remember that church becomes empire - empire become the church. The line is a vital thing to keep in place. But we must also take the risk to do and say the kind of things we must a church even when it means that our 'privileges' will be removed.  That will be a point of testing in the face of the powers.
Connection:It is not easy to spot privilege.  And yet, we are a very privileged people in the U. S.  Just think of the importance of an elected official making sure that their religious affiliation is noted.  In fact, that affiliation is vital.  How many politicians check the box that says atheists or agnostics? I bet it is few - if any. The empire always knows how to create allegiance.
Even when we cannot see past this day, O God, there is enough here in this time and place for which we are to act and live within your Reign.  Encourage us again to live in you alone.  Amen.

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