Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - May 17, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

 Welcome to life in the Persian empire - or something like that.
As a consequence of this shift from Babylon to Persia, faith had to find other ways of being Jewish. In the Persian Empire, the exile homecoming paradigm did not work well. In its place, the local tradition vis-a-vis the empire had to be one of accommodation and resistance; accommodation enough to survive and prosper, resistance enough to maintain a distinctive identity and ethic. This latter model required a kind of ability for the practice of the "Weapons of the Weak."  
I find this to be quite helpful. There is a ground on which we can stand and be faithful even as we live within a land that is our own and yet is not ruled by the ways of peace into which we are called by the Lord of Life. This is not a way of revolution. Revolutionaries are too often eliminated. But also, we do not need a revolution. We are not a people who have been called to rule anyone. We are a people - a people called by our God to exhibit to the world the image of this God. So, we live in the middle of things as they are. We do what is necessary to be at home here. And then, we act out. That is, we live within the image of God's Reign. We serve others - we practice radical hospitality - we become peacemakers - we love our enemies - we make sure that we are a voice lifted high for those who are the least and lowest within the empire. That is all called resistance - or faithful living. Accommodation - on the other hand - does not mean we go along with the ways of empire. Rather we walk alongside - within the acceptable bounds of empire life - but we do not take on the character of the powers around us. We continue to be aliens.

Connection: This is a walk on a tightrope. It is life that goes for it - and yet - we go for it within certain bounds. Once again, it is the whole community that keeps us living the life of God's people and also keeps us aware of the pressures around us - pressures to simply become like the world.


Blessed are you, O God, who gives us life that reflects your image. It is not easy to be such a people - we long for your Spirit's power to stand firm and yet know how and when to bow and bend as part of your way. Nurture us, O God. Amen.

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