Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - May 24, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

More from "Let the Bones Dance" - Marcia W. Mount Shoop
Redemption is both present reality and future possibility in Christianity. We feel this 'already' and 'not yet' in all layers of our lives; the body holds this gift and potential in its cells, muscle twitched, and habits. These redeemed and redeemable layers of embodied existence are both given and open to (re)formation. Seeing ourselves clearly is a gift of Christian witness. Our capacity to be up close to "God with us" is our good news.  We are sinful, and we are children of God. We fall short, and we are accepted and embraced by God. We are distorted, and God instills wisdom and vision. But grace and conversion are not all there is to our gospel.


This is a very physical image of redemption. She writes with a nod to the wholeness of our being. God is with us - every layer of life - every bit of what it is to be human. This means from the depths of our dirt to all that we hold up as gifts. It is this kind of humanity that is the shape of God life among us. A simple view like this is one that keeps us aware of our need for what is labeled as (re)formation.  We are always being drawn into a life that is not yet what we are and it is may just be more than we ever anticipated. I like to use the image of God pulling us into God's future possibilities. God is pulling so that our whole being will rise up to new life - not just our intellect - not just some notion of our spirit. Rather the whole beloved mess - all of it - every layer - every bit of every bit. For now, this is where we are. We are so close to God because God is so close to us in and through all things.  We are always within the presence of the promise of God's saving power that brings life even as we see no life - no possibilities. The change - the (re)forming begins even when we cannot see it taking place.

Connection: There is nothing that is not a part of what is being transformed by our God. Even when we think we are the most holy of people because of what we do or if we think we are the worst that can be because of what we do - the power of God's transforming word is taking hold and taking care.


Gather us as one, O God. The broken - the forgotten - the whole - the strong - the weak, all long for your power of life that continues to restore us within the shalom of your Holy name. Amen. 

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