Friday, August 19, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - August 19, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Fear. Lions and tiger and bears - and more.

Faith should be the antidote to fear, but fear still grips the church. Lynn Japinga writes, "Perhaps 'Fear no' is such an excellent speech because most human beings are afraid of something." She asks: "Why is a church that claims to be confident about the grace of God so fearful about its future?" In our Reformed faith our fears are all encompassed in three categories: fear of the other, fear of being wrong, and fear of being irrelevant. Indeed, our fear of otherness has given rise to fractures, schisms, and  splits. Our fear of being wrong stifles conversation and keeps us from taking risks with one another. Our fear of irrelevance has weighed the church down with anxiety about its own survival. 

This is always one of the most important things to hear: fear not. There are too many ways that we pull ourselves back into our shells and, in many ways, let the world go to hell. But we are meant to be the people who bring about the beloved community but that community is one in which we are not ruled by fear. Unfortunately, it seems to be much to easy to be ruled by fear rather than standing up and speaking and taking the risk that what happen next will not be the end of us. And if it is, we go out within the realm of truthfulness - that is a good place. Between us and truthfulness - us and blessedness - us and justice and peace, is this fear that longs to disrupt any and every aspect of God's peaceable Reign. Fear not. Yes, even when it seems like that is all we can do. Fear not.

Connection: Too many people count on the followers of Jesus to live out full lives in the face of fear. That is the witness we are blessed to provide for the world. This is never an easy life - but always necessary for the well-being of all.


As you lead us through the wilderness of our fears, O God, we need your constant power of renewal and new life to inspire us to continue along the way. That is why you are for us the rock that gives our wavering lives the stability to stand up boldly within your Reigning vision. Amen.







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