Monday, August 8, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - August 8, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Once again images of Nicodemus, with some interesting look at images in  'In-forming Mystery.'

Jesus tries another set of metaphors to move Nicodemus into a new space of understanding when he says that one must be "born of water and Spirit." The waters of physical birth and spiritual birth do not negate each other, but instead they require each other for a full immersion into divine relationship. Again, the Scripture uses the subtlety of a word that carries within its layers of meaning - "the wind blows where it chooses and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8). This Greek word for "wind," pneuma, is the same word that is used for "Spirit." We cannot pick and choose our meaning, but we must somehow abide in its inherent complexity. Like the wind, the Spirit can be perceived as present, but as human beings we cannot track its exact movement. this new birth is like that; it is a mystery we can sense, but not completely understand or control.


This Spirit stuff can cause a bit of alarm in folks. Like the wind, it can press upon us - blow us over -  lift us up - take the whole world into a place and time that we have not yet considered previously. I cannot say I always appreciate this power and how it seems to play with us in order to shake us up and hand us the possibility of another reality. And yet, it continues to blow. It should also be noted that the Spirit will, quite often, move us in ways that are contrary to the ways would like to go. We may not want to forgive - but this Spirit opens up life that move through forgiveness so that our bitterness and our pains do not have power over us. This Spirit pushes over the edge in order to have us be a part of the 'other' were would usually not want to consider and yet it is a part of the new world that is beyond us. If you are anything like me, when the Spirit blows, alarms do go off. We are then in the position to look at what the alarms mean and what is causing them to go off. Many times, our life as we have it is ringing that alarm because life looks as though it will not stay as is and we will need to both let go and grab hold.


Connection: This is why the church continues to bring with us to the Lord's Supper, those words: Come. Holy Spirit. Come. When we are a part of this meal, the world is about to change and so - Come! Holy Spirit, come and lift us up.


Though you seem to be so far off, O God, your Spirit surrounds us with visions of your Reigning glory and the way that glory takes shape within what is so ordinary.  Amen.

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