Monday, December 12, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - December 12, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

I wrote that we would look at how Jesus and Satan imitate God. Again this comes from Rene Girard. 
Not unlike Jesus, Satan Says, "imitate me" and he himself is an imitator. His ultimate model is God the Father, the same model that Jesus has. Girard goes on to say that there is a difference between the mimetic desire of Jesus and that of Satan. Satan imitates God in a spirit of rivalry. Jesus imitates God in a spirit of childlike and innocent obedience. This is the way Jesus calls us to imitate him. Since there is no acquisitive desire in God - the ways of imitation that Jesus goes and invites us to enter is one that cannot generate rivalry.


Mimetic rivalry is triggered when two competing desires ceaselessly reinforce each other. At such a time, violence is likely to erupt. Just think of two children who want the same toy. Or one child who has a toy and the other child wants to be in the shoes of that child. Or think of two children looking on and each wants the toy that the third child has. This all sounds like the beginning of war, conflict, the games of blame and the beginning of a separation - a break. Girard goes on to say that mimetic rivalry is not satanic to begin with, it is not sinful per se, it is only a permanent occasion of sin. That 'condition' is always at hand. It is so easy to slip into this rivalry and let it be the path we enter. Within the rite of Confession when I was growing up in the Roman Catholic church, we would say an "Act of Contrition." It ended with I firmly resolve with the help of they grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. That occasion is always now. Jesus calls us to imitate him - the one who did not enter into the violence of mimetic rivalry.


Connection: It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we stand up against the near occasion of sin - and follow the the peaceable Reign of God that we see in Jesus. For at our door - whipping around us - infecting all that we say and hear - is that desire to be in the shoes of the other person - even if it means destroying that one to get there. It all sounds like Cain and Abel - and it is.


As you walk with us, O God, let your Spirit lead us from violence and hold onto the image of your loving Reign that does not fall for the lies that bring us into the realm of violence and a desire that kills us all.  Amen.


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