Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Redeemer Devotions - December 21, 2011

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

The Christian Community has support and a source of empowerment that leads it forward against the lies that create victims. Girard take us there today
The Christian communion is based on the rejection of the false accusation. John ascribes this understanding to the Holy Spirit. The Paraclete - is the "lawyer for the defense" and "the defender of the victim." Jesus is the first person who decisively disrupts the mimetic consensus against the most innocent of all victims - himself. Therefore, he is the 1st Paraclete - the Holy Spirit is the 2nd and will continue Jesus' work.


As the church alive by the Holy Spirit, we are pulled into the adventure of disrupting that mimetic consensus against all victims. That is our work - the same as Jesus and aided by the power of the Holy Spirit. We - as followers of Jesus - have a place alongside the victims of the world. It is one in which we stay at their side no matter what the cost - even when we are accused of being of the same stuff as the ones who are being turned into victims. Immediately I remember stories of the many Christians who risked everything in order to be on the side of the Jews during the horrible persecutions (scapegoating) that took place in Europe under the Nazis. It is also every time we are lead to stand on the side of any people who are treated as though they are expendable for the welfare of the rest. This may be an old drum that is beating with me, but I still find that the church is still willing to step back from the persecution of some people around us. It is like we make a few exceptions to the way of Jesus. And yet, there are no exceptions - we are ones who stand with all victims even as we become victims with them. We are not to mimic the qualities of the persecutors - we mimic the Christ, Jesus. This is even when it must take place at some expense to us.


Connection: Even though the ELCA has voted to stand with GLBT people within the Church, it appears that it is still acceptable to point fingers and exclude and raise up the voices of crowds of people who must have someone to condemn and call wrong and evil. It is still easy for churches to point fingers at welcoming congregation as though those congregations are "as bad as the ones that must be excluded." Therefore, welcoming congregations are still few and far between because the power of lies and finger-pointing and blame and the need to establish an order that keeps the world as it is - carries more weight and is more attractive than open arms of welcome. The welcome, is and always will be an act of non-violent resistance and a stumbling block to those who want to draw lines and have victims that can be labeled as ones who we are free to persecute and cut off. 


As you walk with us, O God, open our hearts again and again - even as we are wounded as we learn to walk with you and find it difficult to live in a way contrary to what so many say must be the way among us. Amen.


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