Monday, October 8, 2012

Redeemer Devotions

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

A blessed Monday to y'all. This week we will continue from the notion of the rejected one being the new foundation.


What we can see in the light of this is the way Jesus' teaching and practice leading up to his death had, already, as its object the setting free of his hearers and disciples from their being scandalized by him precisely so that they could become part of the new edifice that was to be founded in his rejection. There is ample evidence that the apostolic witnesses were able to reread Jesus' practice with them precisely in terms of his attempting to lead then out of scandal, to prevent the being caused to stumble by him.


I will add to this quote tomorrow. For now, I thought it is good to consider the notion that Jesus was always preparing his disciples for the impact of this end. It wasn't just that he would be killed (like an assassination) but that he would be disgraced - betrayed - insulted - and be one with whom no one - no one - would want to be associated. Jesus was leading them (and us) into the way of a new life that would by its very nature be a scandal. It wasn't merely talk about an after-life. It was talk followed by action within a new way to be human - truly human. So all along the way, Jesus is attempting to explain what it is he is doing - what the vision is alongside his actions. All this so that - in time - the disciples would become followers of this life - even though it is a life that is enough to make people stumble and refuse to follow. From that point, the writing of the gospels makes so much sense. Those writers - got it. In their own way, they got it and they knew that as they were taught and given the way of this vision - so would they have to do such teaching and living.


Connection: This line of storytelling does not end with the 'book.' It is a part of every generation of the followers of Jesus. We are to lead others into a life that is quite contrary to the norm or the acceptable patterns that seem to be fixed and eternal. No, there is another way to walk into eternity - a life that is full of reconciliation, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice for the well-being of others.  


O God of life, again we ask for insight and wisdom and courage so that as we follow your beloved, we will find ourselves pulled into the living presence of your Reign.  Amen.






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