Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Redeemer Devotions

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Let me simply add some information to what was printed yesterday


What we can see in the light of this is the way Jesus' teaching and practice leading up to his death had, already, as its object the setting free of his hearers and disciples from their being scandalized by him precisely so that they could become part of the new edifice that was to be founded in his rejection. There is ample evidence that the apostolic witnesses were able to reread Jesus' practice with them precisely in terms of his attempting to lead then out of scandal, to prevent the being caused to stumble by him. So he (Jesus) tells the disciples of John the Baptist, at the end of list of signs that accredit him as the 'one who is to come,' "And blessed is he who is no scandalized at me" (Matthew 11:6; Luke 7:23). Those who are unable to accept his teaching are described as havig been scandalized by him (Matt. 13:57; Mark 13:21; Mark 4:17) and so do not bear fruit.


This life is not there. If Jesus life and teaching is a scandal and we turn from it and do not enter into the way it transforms all things - things will stay the say - the world will go on being the world as it is - violence and blame and finger-pointing will continue to prevail. That is - there will be no fruit for the world to behold - fruit that will refresh and bring new life. That is so vital to hear because it is so easy to be overcome by scandal - by life that is not the way the world wants it - and thus stay on par with the world rather than step into the promise of God's Reign that is picked up by Jesus and taken all the way so that the rest of us could see what that Reign actually looks like when it is really life.


Connection: I really do think that we in the church - the followers of Jesus - are too easily overcome by scandal. When that is the case, we stay quiet - we do not press for the welfare of all - we limit forgiveness   


O God of life, again we ask for insight and wisdom and courage so that as we follow your beloved, we will find ourselves pulled into the living presence of your Reign.  Amen.






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